The web-based viewer for mobile devices or PCs for vets

The web-based viewer dicomPACS®MobileView counts among the many extension modules of dicomPACS®vet diagnostic software. As a virtually independent browser, it allows the viewing of image material on mobile devices also outside a veterinary clinic or a practice. The vets staff can access all image material from the dicomPACS®vet system worldwide via a network connection.

In addition to mere diagnostic evaluation of images, the dicomPACS®MobileView viewer allows diagnostic reports to be captured and exported. Documents may be attached and exchanged. All diagnostic reports of a patient are always displayed. Individual diagnostic reports of a patient may be selected for exporting and formatted.

Since the dicomPACS®MobileView viewer can be used anywhere, it has a wide range of applications, allowing, for instance, the patient's further treatment to be discussed in the consulting room straight after the X-ray was taken. The mobile viewer is also a very helpful instrument in the operating room for orientation purposes.




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The main advantages at a glance:

  • High flexibility through the use within various internet browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari 5, Safari for iPad and Android browser
  • Intuitive operation
  • Supports the multi-touch operating technology (e.g. zoom in and out with two-fingers)
  • Supports full screen mode
  • Allows accessing the dicomPACS®DX-R or dicomPACS®vet database without any additional modules
  • Allows playing series (e.g. ultrasound)
  • High loading speed with modern streaming technology




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The web-based viewer offers an important range of functions of a professional PACS viewer

  • Image annotation in various colours (e.g., arrow, text)
  • Measurement (e.g., length, angle)
  • Findings reports including custom report templates
  • File attachment
  • Image comparison using different grids
  • Image rotation and mirroring 
  • Brightness and contrast adjustment
  • Image inversion, zooming in/out
  • Full screen and fit image modes
  • Image panning
  • Image series scrolling
  • Cine loop for multi-frame series and MRI/CT
  • Document and image export
  • Document and image printing 
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  • Product brochure dicomPACS®vet - Professional image processing in veterinary medicine
    Digital X-ray and image management for the highest demands, includes acquisition, diagnosis, transfer and archiving of image material

  • Product overview veterinary medicine
    Digital X-ray imaging - guide for vet clinic and practice

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Fields of application of dicomPACS®MobileView

dicomPACS®MobileView can be installed in addition to existing dicomPACS®vet diagnostic modules (diagnostic workstations). It is irrelevant whether the dicomPACS®MobileView software is used on a network PC (pure viewing workstation) or/ and on a mobile device. Worldwide access to all image material is available via a network connection, e.g. VPN access via the internet, of the used mobile device to the central dicomPACS® system in the office or clinic.


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Further optional modules and add-ons of dicomPACS® Basic Package

PACS Prothesendokumentation

dicomPACS®vet Pre-operative planning with the prosthesis documentation module
The dicomPACS® prosthesis documentation module allows you to plan and/or document operations. There are two ways to plan an operation with prosthesis templates. You can either insert digital templates into the X-ray image or use existing prosthesis templates.

PACS Schnittbilder vet

dicomPACS®vet Administration and diagnosis of image slices
dicomPACS®vet includes all the necessary tools for the professional diagnosis of slices such as CT or MRI. Functions like hanging protocols, cine loop, manual scrolling through series, and the visualisation of current and delimiting outlines allow the user to work fast and professionally.

PACS KU Modul vet

Report module for X-ray services relating to equine prepurchase examinations
This dicomPACS®vet report module enables the quick compilation of reports by automatically assembling X-ray images. It follows the “X-ray guideline” by the German organisations “Gesellschaft für Pferdemedizin e.V.” (non-profit organsation for equine medicine) and “Bundestierärztekammer e.V.” (Federal association of veterinarians). 


ORCA - storage of medical data (images and documents) as well as sharing via the internet 
 (OR Technology Cloud Archiving) is a cloud-based platform specially designed for storing, viewing and sharing medical images and documents. ORCA offers two exciting applications: ORCA Archive and ORCA Share.



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